georges stern in Chinese
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- by the stern
- 船尾吃水深地; 船尾倾; 船尾纵倾; 尾倾
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- stern
- adj. 1.严格的,严厉的,严峻的,粗暴的,苛刻的。 2.坚定的(决心等)。 短语和例子 The school is very stern in its discipline. 学校在纪律方面很严格。 Our teacher is stern to the students. 我们的教师对学生是严厉的。 Only the stern spirits of you...
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- stern on
- 船尾向前地; 尾向
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- stern-
- stern(o)- comb. f. 胸,胸骨,胸骨和(…): sternocostal.
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- georges auric
- 奥里克; 奥瑞克
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What is the meaning of georges stern in Chinese and how to say georges stern in Chinese? georges stern Chinese meaning, georges stern的中文,georges stern的中文,georges stern的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by